Hatch Page 4
Pressing his palm against my mound, he thrust gently, then moved faster, and I screamed into my pillow as a climax overtook me quicker than expected. As much as I loved morning sex, it was always hard for me to stay quiet, and if my kids heard me, I’d be mortified. Hatch let out a less than quiet grunt and bit my shoulder as his dick pulsed inside of me.
“Shh, love, the kids will hear,” I warned.
“Don’t give a fuck,” he said.
“Connor, you should.”
Sliding out of me, he rolled me to face him. “One day, God willing, they will have women who let them fuck them ‘wherever the hell they wanna put it,’ and they’ll understand that their Dad is a lucky man.”
I stroked his beard. “Okay, that’s a visual I didn’t need, and I highly doubt they want to know that their mum loves anal.”
He growled. “Jesus, just hearin’ you say ‘anal’ makes me want to fuck you again.”
I grinned. “Save it for tonight. My bum will be open for business after dinner. I need to get cleaned up so I can enjoy Maisie Day with our daughter.”
“Okay, baby. As long as you feel you can survive a few hours without my dick.”
“I’ll make do, darling.”
He kissed me again and we went about starting our day.
I walked downstairs to find Poppy in the kitchen with Hatch and her husband, Devon. Flash and Jamie were sitting at the kitchen island watching a Bob’s Burgers episode. “Hi everyone.”
“Hi, Mummy,” Poppy said, and hugged me. “I’m so ready for a pedicure.”
“Me too, darling,” I admitted. “I didn’t realize I got you as well, Dev.”
Devon kissed my cheek with a chuckle. “We’ve got some news.”
Hatch handed me a cup of coffee, and I kissed him before taking a sip. “What kind of news?”
“You both may need to sit down,” Poppy said.
Hatch wrapped an arm around my waist and frowned. “Just spit it out, baby girl.”
Poppy glanced at Devon who had pulled her close and he smiled.
My daughter bit her lip and nodded. “You need to start thinking of nicknames.”
Hatch frowned. “For?”
“Holy mother of god, you’re pregnant,” I blurted.
Poppy nodded, settling her hands on her belly. “Yep.”
“Shit,” Hatch breathed out, glaring at Devon, and I burst out laughing.
I gave Hatch a squeeze. “Stop thinking of him fucking your daughter, love, and just be happy we’re going to have a baby to spoil.”
“Mom said ‘fucking,’” Flash said with a laugh.
“Sorry, love,” I mumbled.
“It’s all good,” he said. “It’s nice to see you’re not always perfect.”
“Cheek,” I retorted, but grinning because my kid always made me smile.
Flash and Jamie congratulated their sister and then Hatch released me and pulled Poppy into a bear hug. “Super proud of you, baby girl.”
“Thanks, Sid.”
“Are you feeling okay, Poppet?” I asked, hugging her next, then Devon.
“A little morning sickness, but not bad so far. I’m only about six weeks, so I’m sure I have a lot more fun in store for me.”
“I’ll be there with you the whole way,” I promised.
“Thanks, Mummy.”
“We haven’t told Dad yet,” Devon said, “so do you mind keeping this under wraps until we do?”
I nodded. “Of course, darling.”
“You’ve got until family night,” Hatch countered.
“Which is in four hours,” Devon said.
“You can tell time. Good job,” Hatch deadpanned.
“You knew he’d do this, honey,” Poppy said with a giggle. “You were only off by an hour.”
“True.” Devon shook his head. “I thought for sure you’d give us five to fill Dad in.”
I settled my palm on Hatch’s chest. “I think he can give you that hour, right, love?”
“No promises,” he grumbled, and I grinned.
“You’ve got five hours,” I countered.
“Perfect,” Poppy said. “But for now, it’s Maisie Day, and I’m ready for some Mummy time.”
“I’m gonna drop the boys off at Hawk’s then head to the shop,” Hatch said.
“Meet up at the club?”
“No, I’ll swing by here and pick you up.”
I smiled. “Okay, darling, I’ll see you in a few.”
I kissed him, then took our daughter to the spa.
* * *
“Jesus, you need to change,” Hatch growled as I walked into the great room.
I frowned and glanced down my body. I wore skinny jeans, black peep-toe booties and a V-neck Harley T-shirt. I’d taken care with my light blonde hair, newly blown out this morning, and made my makeup minimal but sexy, complete with a kickass smoky eye. “Why?”
He pushed off the sofa and dropped the remote on the coffee table. “Because you’re too fuckin’ sexy for your own good.”
I rolled my eyes. “Like you’re one to talk.”
He wore dark jeans, motorcycle boots, and his cut over a tight, black ribbed Henley.
“No chance of some new recruit wantin’ to fuck me, Sunshine, so I don’t count.”
I snorted. “Honey, I’m going to be a grandmother. No new recruit’s going to want to fuck me either.”
“Bullshit,” he countered, wrapping his arms around me and sliding his hands to my bum. “I’m not the only one who’ll be imagining your clothes on the floor and your legs spread—”
I covered his mouth with my hand. “It took me a good five minutes to paint these jeans on and it’s going to take a while to get them off, so stow that talk for when I don’t need to get them back on.”
He grinned, kissing me quickly. “If one of these pups comes at you—”
“I’ll politely tell them I’m owned by the President,” I said. “That usually shuts them down.”
“Usually?” he hissed. “How many times has it happened?”
“Never, it’s never happened,” I lied.
“And how many fuckin’ times has it happened twice?” he continued.
I grinned, cupping his face and stroking his beard. “I’m guessing not as many times as the women who are new come sniffing around you.”
I raised an eyebrow and he let his thought trail off. He knew I was right, and we both knew neither one of us would ever stray, so he dropped it.
At least for the moment.
“You ready?” I asked.
He nodded. “We’ll take your car. It’s too wet to ride.”
“Okay, darling.”
We took off for the club and headed inside to find the majority of the members there along with their families.
I smiled up at Hatch and was once again reminded how unbelievably lucky I was to have this man. He kissed me gently, then we spent the rest of the night drinking before he took me to bed and peeled me out of my jeans.
Present day...
“Is everyone ready?” I asked, dropping one more bag in the foyer. We were heading to England for a holiday and I couldn’t wait to get my arms wrapped around my family. Poppy, had given birth to a perfect little boy six weeks ago, and it was a chance for my parents to meet their great-grandson. Plus, my brother, Beckett, was sending his plane, so no commercial flight for us.
“Sunshine, we’re going for three weeks, not a year,” Hatch reminded me.
I rolled my eyes. “It’s the first time, ever, I’m not limited to two bags, darling. Humor me.”
“Ready,” Flash said, dropping his backpack on the ground.
“Did you pack the B17-G?” I asked.
“Yeah, Mom, but I still don’t know why. We won’t have time to finish.”
“It doesn’t matter. Your grandad will get a kick out of building it with you, even if you don’t finish.”
Ever since he was little, Flash loved to build mo
del airplanes, and Hatch made sure that he’d carve out several hours a week for them to work on them together. When my dad had found this out, he’d bought a model every time we visited for them to work on together. This time, though, he’d sent money ahead and asked Flash to pick one.
“Don’t worry, we’re still gonna hang at the club,” Hatch said.
Flash grinned. “It’s all good, Dad. I like Grandad. He’s cool.”
Flash was eleven going on sixty, with a soul as old as they came. Jamie, on the other hand, was nine and I was in constant fear that he’d impregnate every girl he came in contact with the second he hit puberty.
Our front door opened, and Poppy walked in with Devon following, carrying Niall in his car seat. “Sorry we’re late,” she said. Their little dog, Sparky, trotted in as well, looking a bit confused and concerned that something he wasn’t going to like was about to take place.
“You’re not late, love,” I said, hugging her. “Train’s still on the way with the van, so we’ve got time.”
Train, one of Hatch’s most trusted club brothers, would be driving us to the airport, and also watching our house while we were gone.
I leaned down and stroked my grandson’s cheek. “How’s my wee baby?”
He grinned up at me and my heart melted. As it always did when I saw him.
“Hey, baby girl,” Hatch said, pulling Poppy in for a hug before lifting Niall from his car seat.
“Hi Sid,” Poppy said.
“I’m here too, but that’s okay, I don’t need a hug,” Devon said, and Hatch grinned.
“Feelin’ ignored, bud?”
“Wounded would be more accurate,” he said, dramatically. “But I’ll talk to my counselor about it when we get back.”
Poppy laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I’ll give you all the love you need later.”
“Enough of that,” Hatch said, and rocked Niall. “Right, bubba? We don’t need to hear about your mommy giving anyone love. You were an immaculate conception.”
“Darling, we’re leaving in minutes, don’t get him riled up,” I admonished.
Hatch held him close and kissed his cheek. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want because he’s my grandkid.”
I rolled my eyes. “Well, you can deal with him if he gets fussy on the plane, then.”
“Bring it.”
As if on cue, Train pulled up and it was time to load everyone and everything into the van. Train would be watching Sparky as well, but we piled him in the van so he could get a little extra attention before we left him alone with the big biker. He curled up on Poppy’s lap, happy as can be, while Train drove us to the private airfield.
We arrived at Beckett’s Gulfstream and walked onto the plane while the ground crew dealt with our luggage. Niall was sleeping soundly, so Poppy buckled his car seat into one of the rear plane seats and then sat beside Devon across from him.
Flash and Jamie took seats beside each other and promptly began some Pokémon battle on their Nintendos, and I took a few minutes to speak with the flight crew while Hatch finalized whatever he needed to finalize with Train.
Within thirty minutes, though, we were ready for takeoff, ten minutes ahead of our flight plan.
“Welcome aboard, Wallace Family,” the pilot said over the intercom. “Please buckle your seatbelts as we prepare for takeoff.”
“Poppet, you’ll want Niall feeding while we take off,” I said. “It’ll help his ears pop.”
“Oh, right,” she said.
Devon got him out of his car seat and Poppy got him settled at her breast just as we began to taxi. Before we knew it, we were in the air and heading toward home. I made a mental note to always take Beckett’s plane anytime I needed to fly.
* * *
“Oh, my darling!” I squealed, making a run for my sister Kenna as we stepped off the airplane. “What are you doing here?”
“Bloody hell, woman, I wasn’t going to wait another minute to get my arms around you!”
“Where are the kids?”
“With Mum and Dad. Becks is here as well...” She glanced around, “...somewhere.” She reached for Hatch. “How’s my favorite brother-in-law.”
Hatch laughed, hugging her. “Still your only one, but I appreciate the love.”
I caught sight of Beckett walking down the plane stairs with Niall in his arms. “There’s Beckett.”
My brother approached, pulling me in for a hug, careful not to crush the baby. “How was the flight?”
“It was amazing,” I said. “Thank you so much for the plane, but I’m going to require it every time I fly now.”
He chuckled. “You’ve got it, love. Any time I’m not using it.”
“You may regret saying that,” Hatch said, shaking his hand.
“If it means I get to see this cherub more often, I’m all for it,” Becket said, focusing on Niall. “I think you might be the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.”
“Oy,” Kenna admonished. “You’ve got three nieces and nephews who might object to that.”
Beckett grinned. “You’re absolutely right. I apologize.”
“Oh, you can exclude me from that,” Poppy said. “I’m too old to be a cute cherub anymore. It’s fine for Niall to take my place.”
Beckett laughed. “You’re still my cherub, love.”
“Thanks, Uncle Becks,” she said, hugging him.
“Right, who’s coming with me, and who’s going with Becks?” Kenna asked.
In the end, Poppy, Devon, and the baby went with me and Kenna, while Hatch and the boys went with Beckett and the luggage.
We pulled up to Mum and Dad’s historic cottage about thirty minutes later and the rest of the day was spent getting settled and readjusting to being home.
“Mummy let me do that,” I ordered, guiding Mum to the table where she could peel potatoes while sitting down. My mother was in her mid-seventies, and although she was a spry woman of age, she was still elderly and I wanted to keep her around for as long as possible.
“I want you to relax, love,” she countered.
“I’ll relax more if you let me do the dishes,” I said, and kissed her cheek.
“Niall is finally down,” Poppy announced, walking into the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”
“If you want to set the big table, love, that would be good,” Mum said. “The dishes are in the buffet.”
Hatch, Devon, and the boys were with my dad out in his ‘shop,’ which was really just the shed that he used as a glorified man cave. Beckett had left us to get some work done, but would be by for dinner, no surprise there. My brother was always available when food was offered. Kenna and her husband, Shawn, would be bringing their kids by for dinner as well, so it was going to be a full and happy evening.
I was brimming with excitement as Poppy and I worked with Mum to get dinner ready. I loved living in the States and had no desire to live anywhere else, but there was nothing like being home. Even if it was just for a few weeks. It was always so special, and I cherished every second of it.
Kenna arrived a little earlier than expected, so she and her daughters, Phoebe and Megan, hung with us in the kitchen while Shawn took their son, Louis, out to the shed.
“Why are the women always relegated to the kitchen?” Phoebe asked. She was sixteen and fully onboard with women ruling the world, so much so, she tended to be a bit anti-men.
Which was interesting, considering she got a lot of attention from boys and men alike. Strawberry blonde curls that almost took up their own hemisphere framed a heart shaped porcelain face. She had light blue eyes and a button nose with a spattering of freckles over the bridge of it. To say she was stunning would be an understatement, and Shawn said he got a new ulcer every time she left the house. Megan was thirteen and also pretty, but quiet and a little shy, so she tended to hide behind her big sister which suited Phoebe just fine.
“I actually chose to be here,” I said. “Hatch offered to cook, but I wanted to spend time with Mummy and
Granny, and you know how much Granny loves to cook the big meals. I’d imagine Uncle Hatch will cook tomorrow.”
“I’m going to come to America and find me a biker to marry,” she avowed, and Kenna groaned.
“You are not,” Kenna said.
“I am so,” Phoebe countered.
“How about you get through school first?” I suggested. “There’s always college. We have a great university just down the road and you could always come live with us.”
“Margaret,” Kenna ground out, and I grinned.
“Yes, darling sister?”
Phoebe jumped up and down and clapped her hands. “Yes. Let’s plan to do that.”
“Bloody hell, sissy, Shawn’s going to kill you.”
I chuckled. “He’ll need to catch me first.”
“Don’t be in too big of a hurry to grow up, lovey,” Mum said. “I want you close for as long as I can have you.”
“I know, Granny,” Phoebe said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Glad to hear it.”
Niall’s feisty bellow crackled through the baby monitor, so Poppy went to feed him, while the rest of us finished up dinner prep.
We set dishes out onto the table just as the men walked in and washed up. Once Poppy arrived back with Niall, we settled in for a lively family meal.
* * *
I had just walked out of the bathroom when my phone buzzed on the nightstand. Maisie was helping Poppy get Niall down, so I decided to answer the call. I was surprised to see it was Sundance, the president of the Primal Howlers out of Monument, Colorado.
“Hey, Sundance.”
“Hey, brother. You got a minute?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Got a problem that might be too big for our club. I don’t want to talk about it over the phone, but was wondering if I could meet with you next week.”
Sundance had always been a bit of a conspiracy nut, convinced his phones were always being tapped. He never said anything of note over voice or text, believing in-person was the only way to communicate.
“I’m in London, brother. I won’t be back for a few weeks. Can it wait? If not, Doc in Savannah can assist, or you can speak with my VP.”