Bound by Fate (Cauld Ane Series Book 10) Page 17
“You’ve lost, Erik.” Kade said. “Your guards have been defeated, your pet wizard is dead, and you’ve failed to bring about the prophecy. It’s time for you to face the true death.”
“You won’t do it,” Erik challenged.
Kade began, “Erik Gunnach—”
“Wait!” I interrupted. “He needs to know he wasn’t wrong.”
“What?” Kade asked. “What do you mean?”
“About the prophecy. He and Sindri were right. This is the time of the Great Awakening.”
“What are you saying?” Isla asked.
“The elders prophesied of the Vakningin Mikla. A time when all Kalt Einn would be free to walk alongside mankind. This is that time. Sindri read all the signs correctly but was unable to see the true meaning of the prophecy, which is not about ruling over mankind, but about working with them side-by-side to make a better place for us all to live.”
“Sentimental foolishness that will lead to the demise of our people,” Erik said.
“No,” I said. “It’s the dawn of a new era of Cauld Ane, Kalt Einn, and humanity. An era of peace, prosperity and of making the planet a place where immortal children can live freely without fear.”
“Is this true?” Isla asked.
I nodded. “Before you are sentenced by king Kade, I wanted you to know that your sons will succeed where you have failed. Their names will be celebrated for all time while yours will live on no further than this day.”
“Erik Gunnach, also known as Gunnar Egilson, I hereby sentence you to the true death. Your body is to be burned and your name to be stricken from memory and text. There will be no further mercy granted to you.”
Erik joined Sindri in ash and I turned to Kade just as Alice grabbed one of the guard’s swords and made a run for me.
“Arric! Sword!” Abela demanded, and I threw it to her.
She caught it and swung the sword, taking Alice’s head clean off with one blow. The sword began to glow, followed by Abela herself. Her body elevating two feet off the ground as light enveloped her.
“Abela,” Isla, cried.
“It’s okay, babe,” I said, “Watch.”
The ground around us hummed and the air crackled with static electricity as Abela continued to glow brighter and brighter still before suddenly stopping.
Abela floated gently back to the ground to reveal she had returned to her younger form. Radiant, beautiful, youthful, and most of all strong.
“Oh my god,” Isla breathed out.
“Mum?” Brodie rushed to her. “Are you alright?”
She wrapped him in a hug. “Better than alright, love. I am finally free.”
“You killed him!” Gillian screamed, dropping to kneel beside the captain. His throat had been cut, but I’m not sure by whom, considering the chaos surrounding us.
“Gillian, he was obviously not a good man,” Payton crooned. “Now you can come back to us.”
Gillian scowled at her sister. “I’ll be nowhere without him.”
“Don’t say that, love,” Payton begged. “We’re here for you. All of us.”
She shook her head, tears streaming down her face, reaching for her mate’s dagger at his side.
“What are you doing?” Payton demanded. “Gillian, give me the dirk.”
“No! I will not live without him.”
Before anyone could do anything, Gillian shoved the blade into her heart, falling over her dead mate and Payton screamed as both bodies disintegrated into ash.
“No!” Payton cried.
“Come on, love.” Brodie wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “I’ve got you.”
“Get my daughter inside,” Connall demanded. “Kade and I will take care of the rubbish.”
“I’ll help, Your Highness,” Alasdair said.
Isla and I led the group of victorious, yet exhausted, Cauld Anes back into the castle, and I pulled her into the library once Samantha had ordered everyone to the kitchen for something to eat.
“Are you okay?” I asked, cupping Isla’s face and checking her for injuries.
“I’m fine, love. But I have realized that my mother is a beast and I want to be just like her.”
I chuckled. “Yeah, she is. But you be just like you and all will be perfect.”
“You’re quite romantic when you want to be.”
“Don’t tell anyone. I have a certain level of street cred I need to keep.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed me. “I didn’t think I believed in fate.”
“Me neither.”
“I’m very glad I was wrong.”
I grinned. “Me too.”
“I love you, Arri—do I call you Arric?”
“Yeah, baby. I’m still Arric. I’ll always be Arric in here,” I said, patting my chest, “because Arric is who you fell in love with.”
She blinked back tears. “Yeah, he is.”
“I love you, Isla. Forever.”
“I love you too, honey. Forever.”
I kissed her once more before taking her back to her family and letting the love these amazing people heaped upon us to settle deep in my soul.
I’d found my home.
ARRIC CLOSED MY bedroom door and pulled me into his arms. It had been almost two weeks since our big battle, and my father had insisted we stay with them for a while until they were sure the threat was eliminated. I had no issue with that, whatsoever, but was admittedly surprised when Arric didn’t argue either.
“The priority is making you safe,” he’d said, and kissed me gently.
Kade, Brodie, and my father had taken care of the intruders that had been left behind. There weren’t many, and come to find out, most of them had been under Sindri’s control so once he was dead, they were released from his hold.
It had actually been one of the guards who’d killed Gillian’s mate, once he was in his right mind. Haddi was free to bring the oracles into the forefront of the Cauld Ane and Kalt Einn alike, and he had plans for the council, which Arric would be heading. We didn’t know how it would look, but we knew it would be led by integrity and love, rather than power and fear.
Now was now, and we’d had a super fun dinner with just the seven of us, then we’d bowed out of Pictionary because I needed to get my husband naked.
We removed our clothes in speedy fashion, and Arric kissed me as he dropped me onto the bed gently, sliding my arms above my head as he buried himself deep.
Make us fly, love, I begged.
Wrap your legs around me.
I did as he instructed and then I felt air hit my back and I dropped my head back. There was nothing impeding me from arching deep and I smiled as I held onto Arric’s arms and lifted my hips, taking him deeper as we floated off the bed.
He shifted, his feet going to the mattress as I kept my legs around him. I was high enough to touch the ceiling and his dick was buried to the hilt inside of me.
“Ride me, baby.”
I lowered my head to meet his eyes. “Standing up like this?”
He grinned. “Yeah. You think you can do it?”
“Hell yes, I can do it,” I retorted, bracing my hands on his shoulders, keeping my legs tight around his waist, and rocking against him until I found my rhythm.
Keeping us connected, he flopped onto his back and I landed surprisingly softly onto his chest. His dick was still buried deep, and he thrust up sliding his hands to my breasts to cup them. I settled my palms on his thighs, shifting so I had more traction, and rode him while he rolled my nipples into tight buds.
“You wanna go somewhere?” he panted out.
I met his eyes, continuing to impale myself. “Yes, definitely.”
Dropping my head back, I closed my eyes and was suddenly back in my field of heather, Arric now on top of me, burying himself deeper and deeper, faster and faster.
The soft highland breeze brought the scent of the wildflowers with it and I arched into Arric as he
kissed me gently.
I love you, baby.
I love you too, honey.
He slammed into me over and over, catching the cry of my orgasm with a kiss, and guiding me back to our bed, gathering me close as he pulled the covers around us.
“I like our little getaway,” he whispered, kissing my shoulder.
I chuckled. “Me too. It’s almost like a secret little honeymoon spot.”
“Next time I’ll think up some place even better.”
“Can’t wait.” I rolled to face him, stroking his cheek. “Thanks for being amazing.”
“I can’t really take credit for that, baby. It’s just somethin’ I was born with. It’s ingrained.”
I rolled my eyes, snorting out a quiet chuckle. “Well, thank you for educating me on your awesomeness. I was sure you worked hard to hone it.”
“Nope. It’s all natural.”
I ran my thumb over his lower lip. “Are you okay with staying in Scotland?”
“Yeah, baby. Your dad and I already have a plan.”
“You do?”
He grinned, rolling over and pulling a manilla envelope from the nightstand drawer, handing it to me.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“Open it.”
I tore it open, holding it up to catch the light. “Arric… Gunnach? What?”
“I am yours, Isla, and rather than you taking a name that I’d rather forget, I talked to your father about taking Gunnach as my last name. You are my home, my family, and there’s no other place I’d want to be.”
I dropped the papers to the ground and threw myself into his arms, straddling him. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, baby. Are you okay with that?”
I let out a quiet cry and kissed him. “Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes.”
He laughed as I peppered his face with kisses, and he flopped me back onto my back. “Well, Mrs. Gunnach, let’s make it official.”
“Okay, Mr. Gunnach.”
As Arric made love to me, he took me back to our secret place of wildflowers, his promise to love me and cherish me etched in the mystical clouds above us.
Fate was strange, but I would never question it again.
Excerpt Copyright ©2009-2021
Trixie Publishing, Inc.
Is love timeless?
Does only one true love exist for each person?
Can the course of history be changed in order to save a future generation?
Sophie Ford, awaiting a heart transplant, thought she was sleeping in the arms of her beloved husband, Jamie. However, she has woken to find herself in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1863, without explanation as to how she got there, or where her husband is.
Taking refuge with a doctor and his family, she finds herself in a volatile relationship with their neighbor, Richard Madden. His expectations and desires become difficult to ignore, and Sophie must find a way to hold off his pursuit. She rejoices when a soldier, looking identical to Jamie, arrives. Although he claims he doesn't know her, she's convinced he's her husband and sets out to make him remember. Sophie races against time as she faces increasing pressure from Richard, who threatens their chance to reunite.
Can she break through Jamie's barriers and bring his memory back?
And once found, can their love survive living in a different century?
Portland, Oregon
JAMIE FORD LEANED against the frame of the solid pocket door and tried to focus on something other than the vision of his beautiful wife dozing on the chaise in the library of their historic 1870’s Victorian home. The wires of her Left Ventricular Assist Device were covered by the book laid flat over her stomach... she’d obviously fallen asleep in the middle of her read.
He sighed and wiped a shaky hand over his face, wincing as he encountered three days worth of stubble. He must look like shit. It couldn’t be helped. He’d managed to grab a quick shower, but shaving took more time and energy than he had at the moment.
Sophie’s condition was deteriorating and he coveted every minute of each day he had left with her. Her doctor had decided it was time for her to be hospitalized until a matching heart could be found. She was scheduled to be admitted in the morning and Jamie didn’t know what the future held for them. He’d sold his internet company a year ago, and although he still held a seat on the Board, his CEO days were behind him.
Sophie mumbled, drawing his gaze. He swallowed hard, sending up another silent prayer that a heart would be found in time. Crossing the library’s thick Oriental rug, he pulled a chair close and sat next to her. Weight loss and shortness of breath were the only external indications she was sick, and his eyes swept over her once-voluptuous body.
He picked up the book and smiled. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. Even sick, she couldn’t get enough of Lincoln. She was obsessed with all things Civil War, and Jamie believed the worst part for her about getting sick was the inability to travel and participate in reenactments. They’d turned down two invitations in the last year.
Lifting her hair, he stroked a golden curl. The myriad of colors, much like the ribbons of caramel taffy, slid through his fingers.
Sophie let out a quiet sigh and turned her head in her sleep. “Jamie?”
“Hi, baby.”
Her eyes fluttered open. “Hovering?”
Jamie inhaled deeply, relishing the sound of her voice as he leaned over and kissed her forehead, a subtle attempt to check her temperature. “How are you feeling?”
“Hmmm... how am I feeling? Give me a dose of Dilaudid and ask me then.”
“Are you in pain?” His voice shook as he stood.
She grabbed his arm. “A joke, sweetheart. I’m sorry. No pain, just a bit groggy—and thirsty.”
Jamie poured a glass of water and handed it to her. “Are you hungry at all? Do you think you could try to eat something? Alex cooked again.”
“Is she still here?”
“No. Luke picked her up about an hour ago. She’ll be back tomorrow morning.”
Their closest friends, Lucas and Alexandria, were daily companions at the Ford house. They cooked, cleaned, and did anything they could to take the pressure off Jamie. The help allowed him to spend every available moment with Sophie.
Sophie rubbed her forehead. “Where’s Emma?”
“Out with Hannah. She’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Truth be told, Jamie practically had to force Sophie’s sister out the door.
“Ooh, so we have the house to ourselves?” Sophie raised her eyebrow.
Jamie chuckled. “Yes, we do.”
Sophie dragged her legs over the side of the couch and stood. Jamie wrapped an arm around her waist. “Careful.”
“Jamie, I’m fine,” she insisted. “And besides, I’d really love a shower.”
“All right, sweetheart, I’ll take you upstairs.”
Jamie lifted her in his arms. Carrying her up the narrow stairs and to their bedroom, he set her on her feet in the adjoining bathroom.
“Where’s the shower pack?” she asked.
“I have it.” Jamie helped her undress and switch over to the waterproof pack. He started the shower and waited for her to step inside.
“I’m perfectly capable of showering without you, love. Jeez, you’d think I was dying or something.” She gently pushed him away and pulled the glass door closed.
Jamie left the bathroom, but didn’t go far. He was gathering clean clothes when he heard Sophie’s soft cry. He rushed into the bathroom, somewhat panicked. Sophie could never be described as graceful, her clumsiness somewhat endearing to him, but with a heart that didn’t work correctly, this trait was now more of a concern.
Jamie found her sitting on the floor of the shower, her knees drawn up to her chin. “What happened?”
“I felt a bit lightheaded.”
Turning off the water, he grabbed a towel and reached in to lift her into his arms.
“You’re gonna get wet,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms arou
nd his neck.
“There are worse things in life than getting wet holding a beautiful woman in my arms after she’s showered.” Sophie burst into tears. He pulled her closer. “Sophie, what?”
She wiped the back of her hand across her eyes and muttered, “I’m useless. I can’t even shower without feeling like I’m going to pass out. I can’t believe you’re going to have to do everything for me. You didn’t sign up for this. I think you should just leave me. I don’t want you to have to deal with me wasting away.”
Setting her on her feet, he wrapped the towel around her and then cradled her face in his hands. “Sophie Jane, who peed in your cereal this morning?”
She glared at him, fire lighting her dark blue eyes. “Apparently, the same person who gave you your sense of humor.”
Jamie smiled. “I think we need to set some ground rules here.”
“Ground rules?” she asked.
“First of all, I’m not going to leave you. You don’t get to make that decision for me.” She tried to interrupt but he held up his hand. “Second, you are not useless. Third, I love you, so you don’t get to escape. Not that you could. If you can’t take a shower without me, then it’s a sure bet you can’t run away from me.”
Sophie let out a quiet snort.
“I can’t believe you’d even think that I wouldn’t want to be here. No matter what happens, I’m here, with you and for you. Leaving you would be like losing my right arm. I couldn’t do it. Got it?”
“I’d totally understand. You know that, right?”
“In sickness and in health. I took my vows seriously, did you? It’s all encompassing. Your sickness and mine.” He smiled gently and kissed her nose. “You’re my ten-cow woman. Even at your worst, there’s nobody better for me than you. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me until the very end—and even if you die before me, I’ll figure out a way to find you. Don’t ever doubt it.”
Sophie patted his chest. “Okay, okay, no need to get so melodramatic.”
“Let’s get you dressed and I’ll check your monitor so we can eat.”